7. HTML_formFront-end/HTML5 2020. 6. 6. 15:52
ID: username: button checkbox 사과 포도 복숭아 color date datetime datetime-local email file hidden hidden filed 는 사용자에게 표시 되지 않는다. image month number password radio 남자 여자 range reset search submit tel text time url week Volvo Saab Fiat Audi Volvo Saab Fiat Audi Volvo Saab Mercedes Audi Write something here Click! Login Username Password Login Login ID: username:
4. HTML_listFront-end/HTML5 2020. 6. 6. 15:51
순서 없는 목록(Unordered List) Coffee Tea Milk 순서 있는 목록(Ordered List) Coffee Tea Milk 순서 나타내는 문자 지정 대문자 알파벳 Coffee Cola 소문자 알파벳 Tea Cola 대문자 로마숫자 Milk Cola 소문자 로마숫자 Cocoa Cola 시작값을 초기에 지정하는 것도 가능하다. Coffee Tea Milk "reversed"를 사용하면 역순으로 출력할 수도 있다. Coffee Tea Milk 중첩 목록 Coffee Tea Black tea Green Tea Milk
3. HTML_link_tagFront-end/HTML5 2020. 6. 6. 15:50
URL(_self) URL(_blank) 이미지 다운 fragment identifier 이메일 보내기 Javascript Top of page! In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "Whenever you feel like criticizing any one," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had." He didn't say any more, but we've always be..
2. HTML_TextFront-end/HTML5 2020. 6. 6. 15:49
This text is bold. This text is strong. This text is italic. This text is italic. This text is emphasized. HTML Small Formatting HTML Marked Formatting The del element represents deleted (removed) text. My favorite color is blue red. The ins element represent inserted (added) text. My favorite color is red. This is sub scripted text. This is super scripted text. This is a heading. Lorem ipsum do..